1. If we had to live in another country, which one would you pick and why?
2. When did you laugh the hardest at the conference?
3. If you had no financial needs, and if you were retired tomorrow, what unexpected hobbies might you want to pick up?
4. What is one of your favorite memories from elementary school?
5. If you could be famous, who would you choose to be and why?
6. Is there any activity that we haven’t done that you would like to do together?
7. What did you secretly want to do for a profession when you grew up?
8. What has been your most embarrassing moment to date?
9. What is your favorite thing I cook?
10. What is your favorite thing I wear?
1. What are you most excited about in our relationship during this season?
2. What ways can I honor you more?
3. What are your 3 biggest hopes for our future?
4. What are some things we used to do early in our relationship that you miss now?
5. What do you feel successful at? What do you not feel successful at?
6. 10 years from now, what 3 things do you hope we can look back on and celebrate?
7. What do we want to change or implement in our marriage based on what we heard this weekend?
8. If we were going to give 2 pieces of marriage advice, what would they be?
9. Who’s marriage do you most respect? Could we grab dinner or coffee with them soon?
10. How can I pray for you in the next 30 days?
1. What parts of the summit were most impactful for you?
2. Are there any changes you want to make to our ministry in re|engage?
3. What should we start doing that we aren’t doing today?
4.What should we stop doing that we are doing today?
5. What should we keep doing going forward?
6. What did you learn about being a better facilitator?
7. What did you learn about being a better leader of your re|engage ministry?
8. What topic do you want to learn more about?
9. Who did we meet that we connected with?
10. How do we feel about the model our marriage is for others in our group, ministry, and church?