Group Date Questions

Fun Questions

1. What single moment in your marriage have you laughed the hardest, and what is the story surrounding that? 

2. What hobbies or shared activities have you enjoyed most together as a couple?

3. What is your favorite vacation spot together and why? 

4. What do you do in your relationship to keep it fun or add playfulness? 

5. How did you meet? Was it "love at first sight"?

6. How did you propose?

7. What is the silliest thing you have ever fought about?

8. What’s your favorite memory from your wedding day (funny or sentimental)?

9. What is the most impractical purchase you have ever made? What is the wisest purchase you have made?

10. What’s a typical date night for you? What’s the best date you’ve ever planned as a couple?

11. What are you dreaming about as couple in the next 5-10 years?

re|engage Related Questions

1. What made you and your spouse decide to start leading in re|engage? 

2. What is the craziest story you have from your time leading in re|engage?

3. What is your favorite story from your time leading in re|engage?

4. What is different about the way you led your first group vs. your most recent group?

5. What parts of the conference were impactful for you?

6. Are there any changes you want to make to your re|engage ministry?

7. What's something you have learned from a participant couple in your group?

8. Do you have a couple that is now leading in re|engage that came through one of your closed groups?

9. Humble brag. What is something you and your spouse do really well at in leading in re|engage?

10. What is something you want to get better at in your leadership at re|engage?

Intentional Marriage Questions

1. What is your marriage story? (share with the other couples)

2. What was your parents’ marriage like? Are there things you are trying to emulate? Things you are trying to change?

3. What book or marriage resources have impacted your marriage the most?

4. How do you and your spouse go about cultivating spiritual intimacy?

5. Who’s marriage do you most respect and why?

6. What has been your “secret” for a great marriage?

7. What is the biggest opportunity for growth in your marriage?

8. What is the hardest thing you have faced as a couple?

9. How has your spouse changed since you first met them (for the better)?

10. How does your spouse show you they love you?

1-on-1 Date Night Questions